lol we've been over this.
i know the items price list ok.
do i need to repost??
tyrian f_________________ ___________5-12k>>>>>10k
viridian f_____________________ _____10-20k(rare)>16k
"as u may see for most joints the "high price" is double the "low price", these are extremes, the usual price is somewhere in the middle."
amber f_____________________________5-10k>>>>6k
amber l_____________________________5-10k>>>>6k
amethyst f__________________________ 5-10k>>>>6k
amethyst l__________________________ 5-10k>>>>6k
so 6x4=24k
oh whoops you gain 2k.....imma have to fixed that.
same deal as b4. cept you haev to pay 2k now.
@JOBO!!!! well you can search the items thread for realistc sell the or cheap auction threads