Yeah I have the same problem as shuckle. I see you and Leyz nailing these 3 or 4 dm back kicks and it depresses me. Awesome replay as always.
"I never learned the last half of the alphabet. I got frustrated that "m" and "n" were the exact same thing."

Ive just made this replay on my fixed computer, nothing extra, just trying it out... it isn't as laggy as it was before.
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#Gamer - Brand new cake.rpl (232.3 KB, 33 views)
Nice skeet, the spins and overall replay had great flow, boom was cool and pose was awesome.

No big complaints really. It was simple and nice, just kinda sad to see uke's lower body left to dm. I'm used to seeing your destruction in your replays.

Life's good.
Ultimate boner.

Everything... Wow so destructive, so smooth so beatifull, that skeet was awesome, liked how you dmed croch block, booms were great... Everything was.

I just found akward how you grabbed uke in the begining. I though you were going to punch and it seemed it ruined the flow a bit for a split sec. But you made up to it with the awesomeness in after it.

Life's good.
2/1/4 dm ... the groin dm if i'm not wrong was caused by your grab ... wasnt the kick.
i didnt liked that moment of replay
but overall it's great and stylish when you're running it normal way you barely can see that was caused by hand not kick ...
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
everything went good, epic flow, nice booms, once i saw that the last dm seemed way too easy i solved to check about that and i saw that you had to move his torso. thats the only problem, also that first grab its a bit usuless. that 2nd boom was rather epic since you didn't moved nothing to have it. As you said its an old replay i don't see problems on you moving uke cause i know that you won't do that anymore, i also loved the way you got his groin in the air with your foot and dm'ed it in an awesome way,
to simplify it, You killed uke with your awesomeness.