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I completely agree with most things there. People should in no way or form have religion forced on them or religious laws forced on them. It should be their desicion entirely. But I dont see how if you dont believe in some sort of religion why should any of mans rules apply to you since murder wouldnt be wrong or stealing or raping because there would be nothing that makes them wrong. And I also dont know why parents who arnt religious think they should have any control over their children.
Well, morality isn't just a matter of religion... You get your morality from the way your parents/family raise you... It doesn't matter whether their moral guidelines come from scripture or not. My mother was an agnostic, my father is a vehement atheist. And I do mean vehement, he's suffered some bad experiences with hypocrisy in church when he was young. But I still have more or less the same moral values as you. They're ingrained into human society as a whole.
We obey our parents because we will feel bad if they're disappointed in us. That's because everyone (well, almost) loves their parents, cares for them and wants to make them proud.
I understand why you wonder about this, but think about what it would be like if your 'fears' were true... Wouldn't there be big hedonistic groups of nonbelievers fighting and fornicating in the streets with no regard for human decency? Last time I checked, there weren't.
We atheists* get the same gut feeling of wrongness when we are about to do something bad. Having a conscience is not dependent on a god being there to rain fire and brimstone down upon you if you sin. I think we all have a conscience because we are human. (And no, not because god gave it to us; if our conscience came from god, neglected and abused children would always develop perfectly fine moral guidelines despite their parent's abuse. Empirical evidence points to the contrary.)
Now, I'm not denouncing christianity as a way to achieve good morals. But it's just that, -a- way. By no means does it have a monopoly on morals, and it's not necessary to be a christian to be a good, caring and wholesome individual to your fellow man.
(*formally, of course, I'm an agnostic, but I consider the proof to be stacked against the existence of god)