Um, I know this probably will never be implemented, but some of the prizes in tourneys need to be improved. I've stopped participating in some of the GMTourneys, merely because I'm tired of spending an hour of time to win an marine grip.
Other than that, I'm extremely satisfied with the amount of tourneys/betting servers help every day. Activity IMO is at its zenith.
I completely agree, recently i won a gmtourney and a won a prize that cost only 250tc in the market. Thats less tc than just a regular tourney for five people when theres aleast 20 people in a gmtourney.
The prize items come from magicsack, which relies solely off donations. There seems to be a misplaced belief that the GM team has infinite money for some reason. GMs do not receive any item/tc bonus for their job, it is 100% voluntary.
Back on topic, I'd actually like to see tourneys which use familiar mods but with altered gravity or something. Heavy aikido or something.
Lately all we've been getting is acrojoust or some random mod to do with tables. Not that acrojoust is bad.