
[23:53] <BioEx> yoo
[23:53] <Echo> hello
[23:59] <BioEx> you still angry at me Echo?
[23:59] <BioEx> lol
[00:02] <Echo> yes
[00:02] <Echo> always
[00:02] <BioEx> lol
[00:03] <BioEx> HAHa
[00:03] <BioEx> I still dont beleive you
[00:03] <BioEx> How can you prove that your still angry with me?
[00:10] <Echo> nou
[00:10] == Echo [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: <3]

Oh, you Echo..
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
<Havock> Ruki
<Havock> do you spar?
<Havock> :O
* Ruki has kicked Havock from #ormo (no)
<Ruki> actually i do
* Havock ([email protected]) has joined #ormo
<Echoforce> oh you dick
<Havock> Obvious troll, sorry for bothering you.
* Ruki sets ban on *!*webchat@*
<Ruki> me
<Ruki> troll?
<Ruki> good bye sir
* Ruki has kicked Havock from #ormo (Ruki)
<Echoforce> that works
<Echoforce> [05:15:51] <Havock> lol ruki is such a troll I swear
<Echoforce> [05:15:57] <Havock> Kids make me laugh sometimes
<Echoforce> lol
<Echoforce> [05:16:37] <Havock> Ecko, ask ruki why he such a troll.
<Ruki> ask why his mom was so bad last night
<Echoforce> apparently
<Echoforce> rukie
<Echoforce> ruki*
<Echoforce> [05:17:41] <Havock> Tell him I said he is adopeted :<
<Echoforce> you are adopeted.
<Ruki> tell him that i am 100% not adopted.
<Ruki> and he is authistic
<Echoforce> Ruki:
<Echoforce> [05:22:23] <Havock> Tell him that dogs poop.
<Echoforce> [05:22:28] <Havock> Idk what to say as a comeback
<Echoforce> [05:22:33] <Havock> cause I suck at trollinh
<Ruki> because his english is so bad
<Ruki> go back to mongolia
[20:35] <Erth> :D
Like a boss B)
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Why should we? we have enough atm. if someone decides to join us, he will. Recruiting is lame, I don't wanna say no for a lot of noobs.
I think recruiting TthunderR is not that bad :3
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all