Scariest time of my life was when I first had coffee...On a busy, New York strip at the age of 12.
I snuck a little from my mom's coffe mug that was fresh, man I'll never forget that day.
When we left the humble little diner it was pouring raining outside, and we had to cross the street.
I was all hyped up and wanted to see how fast I could run across the street. In a good inchworth of rain with medium-traction shoes.
My mom was holding my hand tight, since my dad went across the street first, not paying attention, the sign said 7 seconds left before the light would turn green, so my mom decided it'd be smart to wait until it turned red again. I didn't see that sign and ran after my dad despite my mothers firm grip.
3/4 down the crosswalk I trip and fall infront of a policeman's car, my leg literally right under his tire. And the light turns green =_=
Everything after that was a blur, but I still got my leg so I guess I didn't get hit ._.