Secret Santa 2024
Both of your offers were ridiculous, and I don't need to put up with that kind of crap. Both of you two, don't post on this thread again, because I most certainly won't respond. This applies to anyone giving obnoxiously idiotic offers.
512 head texture
whoops, you're not looking for head textures any more. Sorry, I didn't catch that at first.
Last edited by aaorris; Sep 13, 2011 at 03:46 AM. Reason: I'm silly.
RKG qs force + vamp lax 23k, and I doubt you're selling the 512 head but 17.5k for it

aaorris where did you get that to your mind, yes I'm buying head textures as well.
Originally Posted by Jire View Post
Shar no

Ferras acid blood 4.5k, not interested in anything else there

firebolty sent, and I'm very interested in your massive deactivated inventory, PMing you about this :3

Luminescence I'm very sorry, I thought I had sent you the tc already, sending now.. 5.5k for old gold

Shawshank helloh! Yea I'm interested in 512 ground. What is your suggestion on deals considering the ground and the ancient warrior-set?

7k for old gold friend discount
Share your wisdom with me.
I have 46 single 128 textures and a 1 full set.65 textures in all you offer.
Also you interested in flames?