As Tay and Doxin knows, I was on first clan war.
Atmosphere was... not so nice, but pretty normal, I didn't use any "fuck" or something, you too. (you just said that I'm shoveling but nevermind
I fought only one fight in second clan war, and everything was normal, Gaziu acted normal.
I am really disappointed because of his behavior, I would never let him do such a thing. That was really careless and now I can see that he don't care about us - he raged and have done a thing that can disband our clan (!!what a stupidity!!).
As Miroke says we already kicked him for that.
We are really sorry for his behavior, now we can see who he is in real. That shows, that we can't always believe in people.
Only thing we can do now is to say "sorry". We are not like a Gaziu.
I am Co-Ldr too btw. : )