Christmas Lottery
Alt accounts:ToriTran
Timezone:UTC pacific time(US)
Best mods:Wushu,aikido
Why i want to join:Titan seems like a good clan that's suitable for me
Online activity 1/10:9/10
Forum activity 1/10:7/10
Last edited by ShadowCut; Nov 26, 2011 at 07:26 PM.
Originally Posted by Tay View Post
/invade okay so user gaziu kicked and deoped me during a clan war I just want you to see the snaps


Just so you know because of this the ToP clan will be disbanned and gaziu will get a ban

"Behaviour like kicking a rival, fspec him or any other form of abuse, will result on clan disband and ban to the infractor"

Good day

As Co-Ldr of Top I'm realy sorry for it, he didn't tell us about CW, so it's not our fault. He 's baned and kicked from clan, but why the clan has to suffer for his stupidity?
As Tay and Doxin knows, I was on first clan war.
Atmosphere was... not so nice, but pretty normal, I didn't use any "fuck" or something, you too. (you just said that I'm shoveling but nevermind )

I fought only one fight in second clan war, and everything was normal, Gaziu acted normal.
I am really disappointed because of his behavior, I would never let him do such a thing. That was really careless and now I can see that he don't care about us - he raged and have done a thing that can disband our clan (!!what a stupidity!!).

As Miroke says we already kicked him for that.

We are really sorry for his behavior, now we can see who he is in real. That shows, that we can't always believe in people.

Only thing we can do now is to say "sorry". We are not like a Gaziu.

I am Co-Ldr too btw. : )
Really the cheapest items in the market. Check it
Belt: Brown
Rank: 67
Qi: 765
Alt accounts: None
Timezone: North American Eastern
Best Mods: Wushu, Judo, Running, Spar, Katana, Twinsword, Akido
Why you want to join: I want to join because I believe I can contribute in many ways such as art, tc, respect, etc.
Online Activity 1/10: 9.8
Forum Activity 1/10: 8
Last edited by idklool; Nov 28, 2011 at 01:00 AM.
Belt: Orange
Qi: 50
Alt accounts: Tidaltrickster
Timezone: Gmt - 2
Best Mods: Sw4.tbm (ranked nr 1) and sumoaikidobox:tbm and also judo and aikido
Why you want to join: I wanna learn from the best fight like a pro and help calm reatch nr 1 and
Online Activity 1/10: 8/10
Forum Activity 1/10:7/10

BTW: if clan have any bank i can donate 1.5 k tc ore 2k tc just say if u have and ill donate tc
recrutme please
Alt accounts:none
Best Mods:aikido and aikidobigdojo
Why you want to join:
Online Activity 1/10:try to every day
Forum Activity 1/10:try to every day