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I'm finding it really really difficult to transition from LoL to Dota.. It's really hard to do >.<
First person I played besides the tutorial was Chaos Knight, man everything is really different in Dota :l
Some heroes which are mostly similar to league of legends champions would be those like Bristleback, Skywrath Mage and Drow Ranger. I suggest you try those out - Bristle and Skywrath both have spam able spells with fairly low mana cost (skywrath's ult is really expensive though) and drow is pretty much Ashe without the stun.
Also: If you haven't already had a look at this guide:
The spoiler below has the basics in it if you do not want to click the link.
1: I think as a basic rule, carry a TP when you leave base. This will save you from ganks left, right and center. It will also help you to be an effective team player, allowing you to participate in ganks, and push lanes/defend towers which is an essential element in Dota2.
2: It's more important that you don't die early game, as opposed to trying to be too aggressive and going for that first blood.
3: A lot of new people auto-attack creep waves (meaning you push) early game, which is not beneficial (unless of course you are going for an early tower, and you have the mix to make it happen).
4: Denying is of course wonderful, but not worth dieing for once again.
5: Don't contribute to the already abusive community. Accept advice. Don't hate on the baddy. Everyone was new once. Spewing forth hate after a failed gank helps NO-ONE! Not you, not your team, not your neighbour, not the squirrel in the tree outside your window. Hopefully Valve never implement KD:R. Commend good players and report abusive players.
6: Don't buy boots as your first item. Buy tango's (HP/s), clarity's(MP/s) and branches(+stats). A quelling blade (for chopping trees + last hitting) is good, but only if you use it, and it is a fair chunk of your starting cash dollars.
7: As you mention, runes are incredibly powerful, so make sure you call misses.
8: A courier is essential to a smooth game, and you seriously gimp your mid if you don't have one. If you have to run back early on, you miss so much XP.
9: Wards will save you again and again. Someone needs to buy them, and if no-one does, take it upon yourself (Usually one person buys courier, 1 buys wards @ game start).
10: Jungle is very situational. Early game the jungle is for your supports and your junglers, not your carries. This is because the jungle is used by support to pull to give your carry solo experience in lane.
11: A ping on the map does not say, "I am ganking in 10 seconds. TP down". 99% of people will have no sympathy for you if you rage because you got no help and all you did was ping.
12: As a rule, don't tower dive (chase an enemy hero through one of their towers) unless you are sure or have a team mate to rely on. So many failed ganks...
13: Don't rely on your average pub player to save you, or make a great play. It happens, sure; but you will leave disappointed and angry if you roll like this.
14: Remember, a tower is worth a lot of gold, and should be defended. Use your insight however, as trying to save a tower being pushed by 5 heroes by yourself alone is not going to help anybody. Also, towers are deniable below 1/10.
15: Every bit of gold counts, missing a creep kill here and there begins to add up. If you get every creep for the first 10 minutes, that's about 400gpm right there. Missing a single creep every creep wave brings that down to 300gpm.
I suggest you do so. It is quite handy I would think.
Other heroes that are pretty easy to play are:
(M) means meele range.
Vengeful Spirit
Crystal Maiden
Ogre Magi (M)
Tidehunter (M)
Sand King (M) -
I'm a bit on the wall with sand king, he's easy to play, but harder to play well. Nonetheless, a fun hero.
Shadow Shaman
Nature's Prophet
Death Prophet
Carries/Semicarries (
Note: Avoid these in real games until you are comfortable last hitting)
Skeleton King (M)
Juggernaut (M)
Slardar (M)
Chaos Knight (M)
Queen of Pain
Dragon Knight (M)
I advise you
do not go near the following heroes until grasping the game better:
Invoker - Has 3 standard spells + ultimate. The spells are orbs that fly round him giving him stats + something else depending on the orb, these are used in combination to create a total of 10 different spells. When he presses his ultimate it makes that spell.
Meepo (M) - Meepo is a fairly average hero, not really much shines for him alone. He has a net which can snare enemies and a move called poof which basicly after a few seconds of channeling he explodes around him. The main reason he is avoided by
nearly all players is because of his ultimate. It creates a second meepo at rank 1, third and rank 2 and fourth at rank 3. They all have the same spells on different cooldowns and if one dies, they all die. Got to be careful with him.
Chen - Chen is a support that goes in the woods, he can control the creep (Mobs) in there using a spell and gains control of their skill set, he normally ganks with them and then pushes. Not too hard to play but can be overwhelming at times.
Visage - Visage is pretty fun, he has strong spells, including a slow / attack speed steal and is pretty beefy, however his ultimate creates two gargoyles that deal a lot of damage, but they have a massive price if you kill them and they are easily killed(1-3 auto attacks)
Last edited by Nyann; Jul 7, 2013 at 05:43 PM.