Christmas Lottery
I think that would actually be hilarious, because you'd be all distorted in a way-ish.
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
You mean...have an accent?

So today at school, since Sunday is Holocaust remembrance day or whatever, we "celebrated" it today. I laughed when they said several millions jews died. (not my fault, they said it funny)

So my friend was like "wtf noah, not cool"
And I'm like, "d00d itz kewl cus im part jewish"
"then also part german. D"
"wtf d00d"
daddy kill the spider
I remember once, my 6th grade teacher said: " The death walks were so long, so COLD, that the jews would pee on themselves to stay warm, and even then their fingers and toes would snap like twigs"
Needless to say, lolz were had and I was sent outside for the rest of that class period.
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
How to be an asshole? You only have to say: "WTF GUYZ DIS IS OFFTOPIC, MY WORLD WILL END IF YOU GUYS KEEP DOIN THIS OK"

Also, My brother took this photo today, when I was feeding my dog


I wish I had the skills so add explosions around you math, you're so PERFECT
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
I know, just his body is so lushes. Its just, oh my god! Just wanna put my winkie in his tinkie and move around all night. Wait, was that off topic?

I agree.
Sparky is a 317 pound Hump-Back Whale