Name: Ben Morrow (Temux)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
GMT: Never been able to remember this but I live on the East coast of Austrlia.
Belt: 3rd Dan

Ingame activity: Regularly active, mainly trying to increase QI, I have been playing on and off since 2007.
Forum Activity: Going to be taking a more serious approach to marketing soon and I used to and may again, get back into art and textures, although I still regularly lurk the art forums etc, also recently getting into video editing.
I want to join ultimate because I am looking to make a more serious effort around toribash, marketting etc, as much respect as I have for my current clan [Evil], it's either dead or dying right now.
I've been in Evil for atleast a year now and as I seem to be the only member of Evil who still plays toribash I would like to shift my loyalty to [u], I will also bring my skill set of art and video editing.
Invited by Beta
Any Bad History: No bans, I think I have recieved 3 infractions for useless posts on the forums in my history of playing tb though.
Never bought QI
Although my belt is 3rd dan I have been playing since 07, I am experienced and known by a fair amount of people.
Attached Files
Cow.rpl (478.7 KB, 4 views)
MPTrick.rpl (330.5 KB, 4 views)
Temux - Cacrot.rpl (365.9 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by hack; Jan 29, 2013 at 04:06 AM.
I say yes to both, (Temux sending invite, talked to him for a while etc)
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
Name: Gabriel
Age: 11
GMT: Pacific
Belt: Black

In-game activity (on a scale of 1-10): 8
Forum activity: 2
Favourite mod(s): Judo, wushu
I would like to join ultimate because I like a clan with skilled, friendly members that you can actually befriend whether you're in the clan or not.
I can donate to the clan whenever I build up some TC.

I hope I get in :-)
P.S. I don't know how to post replays so if anybody could tell me, that would be appreciated.
Hi O_O

Name: Noah
Age: 14
Gender: Male
GMT: Northwest oregon (USA)
Belt: Black
Gamer Card:[/URL][/IMG]
Ingame Activity and Forum Activity: i am ingame and on forums everyday, most of the time after school and late at night
Favorite mods: any wushu related mod, and abd
Why do you want to join Ultimate: I have a great deal respect for this clan and it would be and honor to be accepted
What can you bring to Ultimate: I have some art skills and I will represent your clan exceptionally well
Any Bad History?: No
Bought QI?: U can do that?
More Stuff (if any):Thank you for you time O_O

P.S. my percentage is low because i just learned the relaxed style in wushu and spent the previous months dqing myself, but i now do not do that and that percentage should go up
Attached Files
last second save.rpl (115.8 KB, 4 views)
loled.rpl (60.4 KB, 4 views)
ggssss.rpl (88.2 KB, 3 views)
last second.rpl (88.6 KB, 3 views)
CBCBCBC.rpl (66.5 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Zer0; Feb 11, 2013 at 07:13 AM.
Name: Lucca

Age: 13 :>

Gender: Male

GMT: -3 (Brazil)

Belt: 6th dan black belt

Gamer Card:

Ingame Activity and Forum Activity: Ingame 8.5, Forum 9.5

Favorite mods: Erthtkv2 and Aikidobigdojo

Why do you want to join Ultimate: Well, I see that the clan isnt with many members, so I want to help you guys with all I have. Im very active on forum so I think this could help you :>

What can you bring to Ultimate: I can probaly make an Ground texture for the clan and Im very active on forum, like I said, I will post a lot!

Who invited you?(If nobody did, just leave this off):

Any Bad History?: Wow, I was on a trial to be a member of Card, but they vote me out :<

Bought QI?: Yep (only to have more colors, I really dont care about belt)

More Stuff (if any): I have a good ability making avvys and sig, Im training to make logos right now, I use GIMP to make my arts. So, thats it, hope I get in :>

Also, I only have 1 replay, sorry :<
Attached Files
EPIC.rpl (89.9 KB, 6 views)
vai taca