Hi, this is Gaynor12, and I was wondering if I am going to be given a chance and it has been a while since anyone has answered me, and I was wondering if I got in.
Please answer back as soon as possible,
Thank you.
I want join your clan, because its very cool to be here.
Im 16 years old.
Blue belt. Ranks in all officials servers is 1050 or 950 like that. Can beat 4th dan.
Like ninjutsu. aikido. running. judo, wushu. spar.
skype maksim.tihij
can send replays
How long you been playing toribash: Maybe for like 7 months.
Ingame experience: Good at doing comebacks. Good at spar. Good at parkour
Know anyone from this clan?: Fudgiebalz I use to help him out ingame on spar too. Discoveryy Last time we met was today. I haven't got to spar with him long time ago.