Christmas Lottery
DQ miserably fails with Shaders O.o
Without shaders its perfect
With shaders its like 50% opacity ='(
RelaxAll was life. Feels bad to be an oldie.
@donkor: I've noticed that too, with one of my DQs. The colours were perfectly fitting without shaders but after selling it to someone with shaders, it was way too dark for him. It helped alot to re-adjust brightness & contrast. Did you try a real semi-transparency of 50% then? Possibly works, too. I haven't found a good thumb rule to apply but maybe us texturers will find one together.

And sorry for being offtopic.
Wait, you need dq's?


Also, do you have shaders?

That would open up a few new paths for exploration. Nothing too extreme with shaders, just something to enchance it even more.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]