Yeah Powas, I have Mordekaiser, he's awesome.
Doesn't need much skills, but needs a lot of good timing.
Suggest you to ult such guys like Tryndamere after his ult, he's melee and makes more than 700 crit easily. But it's good if you take off assassins, like katarina, yi, xin zhao. Such chars love turrent diving.
And another thing that's very important for Mordekaiser is runes.
Cause if Mord is without any runes, you will simply have a bunch of fail games, and if you have at least all Seal runes, you are really strong against people,mostly guys like yi and xin are afraid of you like death, cause you are a metal death machine that is 40% range.
So yeah, since my main is Tryndamere :
Last edited by Lexx; Mar 28, 2011 at 04:02 PM.