*Name:m ihza rivaldo
Previous Clans:Lords
Favorite mods:judo,spar,akido,classic,katana
Biography:m ihza rivaldo,age 13,live at indonesia,jakarta.
Why you want to join:i really need clan
What You Can Offer The Clan:information,cool vid,and im also desingner.i can make an art too
and my rpls:
ps:artix1,atome1992,sucker2b0yz is me
Belt:2nd Dan Black Belt
Previous Clans:Sm0ke
Favorite mods:Wushu/Parkour
Biography:Gavin Nelson|Rome,Georgia|Age:15
Why you want to join:My clan that I am in currently sucks and I would like to join a nice clan that is fun and does events
What You Can Offer The Clan:Help get up the rank of our members and Donate Occasionally
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Desperately trying to get back into TB...