Jason/Jase should be more mature. He got banned again.
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
Originally Posted by TFguy View Post
Maybe he comes out of nowhere to get the 15kth post :3 And what isn't funny?

That big dude was shooting a gun,

And you guys got 15,000 how crazy and can you guys hit 16,000 in a year??
Im back!
@ro: why did he get banned anyway?
@kevin: thanks! an what do mean? Im sure we can, it just takes time.
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!
@drake infraction points buildup... Too many useless posts probably. I wonder how many hours will he take to create a new account.
Check that age thing thread. Im not sure if they put their age's on there but yeah check it out.
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
@tf: well come on I knew that.
@kevin: told you how old I was before..
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!
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