Eli's signature of wisdom. Lol jk, I just woke up like an hour ago or 2 hours ago, Haven't been doing much lately c;
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
Lol. anyways goodmorning/afternooon Eli. What ya doing c;
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
Eli is a boy's name

Pronounced ee-l-i

Ellie is a girl's name

Pronounced el-e

By the way, Foxy why did you say 'My Gawd' in the show yourself thread?
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
I know >.> Im just doing that, to tease her c: also nagato i think she said Mah gawd cause she didn't expect you to look like that ;l
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
Morn---... Foxy's VIP pack is excessive as usual
Uhm Nagato thanks for that useful info I guess ^.~ I bet Foxy doesn't mind being called Eli xD