Originally Posted by
Lucien es numero uno. Dat_passive too stonk. Gives him the highest ad ratios in the game on his spells.
For solo queue purposes that's not like, high level play, I think you should probably still give the go ahead as Jinx being the top pick ADC over lucian. Simply because mechanically to make Lucian shine you need to combo his passive great which is difficult to do while still holding good positioning in a fight, csing, etc.
Jinx really only problem is no effective escape mechanic, but pairing him up with say a Thresh really makes that a non-issue. Stellar wave clear, hyper-carry esque attack speed steroid, an execute, and stupid long range rocket autos with splash damage she really is the whole package. I personally detest playing her simply because her mechanics are boring to me.
Also: any Solo queue tier list for 4.5 is going to be highly subjected to debate just because it should be called "League of Feral" atm. I'm sure the item isn't too big of a deal in the LCS, but here down on earth it's tearing us apart until we figure out how to adjust our strategy for the newer meta.
P.S: Thank you so much a billion times over again coca! I played my first game as hecarim, my top lane fed 0-10 as Aatrox to fiora, and I just kept the Unicorned assists for the GG despite being down 25 kills and 5 turrets
. I'm learning more after a quick talk with Oracle that playing reactively rather than finding a build is really clutch shit.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Apr 16, 2014 at 10:10 AM.