Has anyone written a guide on how to comeback and win after losing reasonably bad Especially in particular when you yourself are the feeder?
I'd go afk farm in top/bot for a couple minutes to catch up once the laning phase is over and then try to shutdown as a team whoever got the kills.
This is my logic, feel free to correct me though. I still have a lot to learn.
That's really not an option when you don't have map control. Once you've lost your first tower, there isn't "safe farming". You can't "afk" in bottom lane, they'll just gank you from your jungle. You can't ward alone or they'll gank you. So you're forced to move sort of together; however, you're down like 12 kills and 3 turrets so a team fight more than likely is disadvantageous.
Freeze the lane, and keep vision in high traffic areas.
If you freeze the lane, you can keep the minions almost permanently just outside your turret range, and if you can see where they travel, you can avoid facechecking into or getting flanked by most enemies. You cannot come back from being behind without taking some risks, so just get those wards down quickly when you realize you're falling behind before it becomes too dangerous to do it. Keep wave clearers together to deal with the enemy grouping up to prevent minions from tanking the turrets. This way you can stall 4v5s or even 3v5s while another person catches up on experience and levels.
And keep vision on baron. If you can't, you risk the enemy securing it and ending it easily, but it also lets you get a chance for an advantageous teamfight because of the best team mate: Baron. Take drag whenever you can safely, and get good timing down on your jungle, because you can't waste any time when in there. If you don't know the times, you waste time milling around, which increases the risk of a pick.
Thank you very much for this.
Also: thoughts on Nunu in solo queue? I've seen him work really well top. As a jungle, he's pretty solid counter jungle, and he has a good attack speed steroid and peeling options late game to help your ADC bruiser out. I personally hate melee supports. I could easily see, in this meta, him being a good top lane.