i refase ta fax moi grummur.
btw winners:
randomly chosen (5k) : Zyrax, i b gib him 5k when he posts in the nao desc, pending
mast caratifve (random
item(s)) : Rad, done
mast saaianfatic (randam itam(s)) :Wyvey, done
Owner of the sacred object (randam (cud b tc ar itam) : apul, done
genius (if he wants tc, he shall get sam. in the meantime, buttsacks) : Facaed, pending.
see you all next time, at Sage's Giveaways.
edit: last category
being lololerz (blowkiss) : Lololerz, k later.
Last edited by Sage; Sep 17, 2012 at 12:35 PM.