Christmas Lottery
Wow he put a lot more effort into his other app if he did that here I might have said yes
oh yeah
T App

Hello! My name is Static/Chris and I'd like to join [T]

Personal Info
I am 16 years old and i live in Mississippi. I'm from a small town and live a pretty good life. Now I know some people will be like "oh hes saying this for sympathy", but I'm not. I am in a wheelchair due to muscular dystrophy. I enjoy running over people and popping wheelies.

Toribash info
Ok so, I've played Toribash for 3/4 years now. I found through a youtube video about largekilla and i decided to try it out. Played it for a week then ragequit. A couple weeks later i decided to try again and i got hooked. I played multiplayer for about a year then tried out SP. I didn't know what i was doing and i also didn't know i was supposed to dm uke. My replays ended up being me punching uke and trying to be cool.

Skip ahead a couple of years and i found out about ORMO and all these godlike replay makers. So i thought I'd give it a shot. got denied twice but finally got accepted (thanks pusga). I have been in 4 clans. (Ne), (le), [TLDR], and [Monk]. First 2 clans died and TLDR got ate by I. Monk was an amazing clan. Lots of great people and i made awesome friends, but i felt like it was time to move on.

Why I want to join T?
Every since i got Toribash I always kept hearing about the clan [T]. So i did a bit of investigating and i saw the clan vid and i found some of the members replays. I'll have to say i fangirled a bit. [T] was always my dream clan that has seemed out of reach, but with me getting into ORMO and just being around toribash I've met a couple of members and they are pretty cool. Those members are nearly, pusga, larfen, zeto and oblivion.

So there is my app! Hope you guys enjoy reading it and here is my replay thread!
I also need a Meme master to teach me his ways
Last edited by Static; Jan 30, 2016 at 12:44 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Okay To [T]
I spent most of my time in singleplayer just to get a better understanding in toribash Because i knew i was not gonna be good at this game so 14 hours on end in singleplaye r until i over came my fear and let loose and won probably all my matches.

As you know I'm 20 i was born 1995 5th of September
I found toribash in 2011 I personally Hated it at first Until You know watched stuff and how to play it actually made sense Ive had 3 accounts this one and 2 others
I don't login on the others cause i don't remember the passwords for them.

Why i want to T?
I knew T long time ago but I'm a sideman i like to help from the sidelines Because I'm a nice Guy except when you fight me i will destroy you until your last breath of life has been taken And people love me not metaphorically, But literally.

Toribash History
My toribash Has a lot of things to many to list but i will try.
So first i was in nitro and some anonymous pm came to me about nitro and me
Saying that they hate me and stuff like that So i left, but At the very first i never really cared about clans i honestly thought it was absolutely pointless.Like i said join my first clan The spark Of having clan was awesome with our own threads of cool stuff Until that spark went no more wood to keep the fire a going.

Mods i Enjoy
Okay this might be long but I started with Aikido my Loved mod cause it helped me with loads of other mods related to it After aikido,aikidobigdojo was the mod i found most used in the toribash community but i soon saw that i was Very skilled when i unleash my full potential later on i was introduced to greykido this was diffrent news to me.Basically i have never used my skills to save myself in greykido the first time i did that i was amazed so i would it all the time, then the hard mods kept flowing to me like striking.This was the most annoying mod ever cause i never really understood what to do until i read the rules i got...better? I suppose is good
,now came rb_greykido it wasn't much Diffirent to greykido so i was familiar with it
Holy grail of toribash is Tricking i got familiar with this when i kind of mastered to spar? i guess it took me a while but i got there same for the parkour. It's just really combining tricking and overall skill.I have some input on the mods such as Striking this section of mods i should suggest for skilled people only It's just that you wont get
how you gain points unless you read the rules but then again you would need some practice for it cause there are some people who are dedicated to this section of mods i myself like to stick to dojo kind of mods also i forgot to mention my 2nd best mod rk-mma this mod is amazing i think this mod is classed as a striking mod i believe Correct me if I'm wrong i strongly suggest you should try that mod before you go out in the pen and play pro's as such

Other games i play for fun.
so i have steam name is Sparky Mwah : Games i play CS:GO,CS:S,Gta 5, rocket league,teamfortress 2,Garry's Mod, just cause 3, rainbow six siege,black ops 3, black ops 2, WAW,Gears of war,Fifa And Who's your daddy.

Soo..Yeah that's probably all i have to say for now
thanks I edited my last replay
Attached Files
Skyfawk-Impact! Extension.rpl (157.4 KB, 6 views)
Split kick 2.0!.rpl (149.3 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by SkyFawk; Jan 31, 2016 at 08:06 PM.
hey Static man, sorry that nobody posted for so long, and its almost irrelevant now since you joined a clan already but the final decision on you was no, if by chance you wanted to know. you are a cool dude though, maybe in the future things will be different
oh yeah