Current QI (2000 qi. minimum):
1784 (Plus my old account Chuzzler is a 2nd Dan)
Previous clans (and why you left):
[Hive] = It disbanded
Favourite/best mod (TK, Wushu, Aikido, etc.):
Tk, Aikido, judofrac, lolnade, shaolintwinswords
Age: 21
GMT: -4
Previous infractions (be honest):
None (2 chat infractions for bumping on Chuzzler)
Anything else you think is worth mentioning?
I played toribash for atleast 2 years before I ever started playing online. I use to hate the long lines and all the newbness that went on in the beginner rooms. I also had paid for full toribash back when that was how things were done.
Please post 3 replays that you think will help us review your application.
Ok. Got my replays now. Just made em, if you want more Ill make more, but eventually Ill get some of my older ones. Btw the multiplayer ones were a streak :P