Hi. Just got home. That's new.
Also, gonna blow my mind with some quantum computing shit.
I like killing my brain cells. Dat be tasty.

I also would like to put it on as a texture trail.
Could I edit it a bit? Like... Improve some stuff, etc...

And congratz everyone who won the contest!
That was quite fun. Even though I didn't participate in it... :<
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by Arturix3 View Post
Hi. Just got home. That's new.
Also, gonna blow my mind with some quantum computing shit.
I like killing my brain cells. Dat be tasty.

I also would like to put it on as a texture trail.
Could I edit it a bit? Like... Improve some stuff, etc...

And congratz everyone who won the contest!
That was quite fun. Even though I didn't participate in it... :<

Woa .. u seem to be in a VERY good mood today
and oh feel free to edit it i Would be glad for you to edit it
I uploaded it on MediaFire
I made it on GIMP and its on .xcf
Is it really that good??
Originally Posted by Sage View Post
i refase ta fax moi grummur.

btw winners:
randomly chosen (5k) : Zyrax, i b gib him 5k when he posts in the nao desc, pending
mast caratifve (random item(s)) : Rad, done
mast saaianfatic (randam itam(s)) :Wyvey, done
Owner of the sacred object (randam (cud b tc ar itam) : apul, done
genius (if he wants tc, he shall get sam. in the meantime, buttsacks) : Facaed, pending.

see you all next time, at Sage's Giveaways.

edit: last category

being lololerz (blowkiss) : Lololerz, k later.

I don't even get honorable mention? Man this thing is rigged.
k so i just played minecraft with course, it was fun.we raised a child called jeffry, we went boating,found 10 diamonds, currnetly making a tree haus.also, course is terrible at building.

also that armband is nice,but im not wearing it unless if its orange c:
I have a replay thread show it sum love<3
Originally Posted by Sage View Post
\mast saaianfatic (randam itam(s)) :Wyvey, done

Thanks fer da itams Sage
I will keep being moar saaintafic froam nao
Originally Posted by kameron View Post
Sage, I urge you to stop talking like that before I rage at you.
It's irritating and makes you seem either retarded or noob.

But he is, and so am I

Also, I am not going to wear any tag texture k
Please bring back Organiζations board