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Opinions on Udyr? Im thinking about buying him, but Im not sure.
Sorry I missed this, and I know you purchased Udyr anyways, so let me give you the low-down:
Udyr is predominately a jungle champion. He CAN be used top lane, but it's far less common. Udyr is unique because he has no ultimate, you can literally (and often do) get his 4th ability at level 1.
His passive makes it so that he gets benefit everytime he changes form, stacking up to 3 times. You can't abuse this early game because you don't have the mana to, but come team fight situation, you will.
Maxing phoenix makes you clear jungle camps faster,
Maxing turtle makes you safer, increases life steal, has a shield, (2nd most useful)
Maxing bear allows you to run very very fast and to stun his next target.
Udyr is great in the early game because his speed and stun provides awesome ganks pre-level 6. Additionally: he is a fantastic split pusher which is VERY difficult for lower level players to deal with Udyr. Your team could be losing by a LOT, losing a team fight in bottom lane 4v5 while youre taking the opposing team's inhibitor top lane, and run away scot free.
Build him tanky, make him move fast, take towers, and in team fights: stun the people with bear that are trying to hurt the people on your team that deal damage. Example: if a Talon is chasing your your Ashe, stun the Talon. If he's after your le Blanc, stun him.
Otherwise, enjoy incredibly fast clear times, soloing dragon and potentially baron, ganking lanes pre level 6, and split pushing while running fast as mess.