View Poll Results: Should we Customize our tags?
Hell yeah why not?!?!
1 Votes / 11.11%
No, whait until we optimize the clan more.
8 Votes / 88.89%
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll
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I think we should keep the song choice
(or well, suggest it)
as being THIS

but other than that
this looks cool

will we have to upload our replays again?
G: Probably need to upload new replays since we have new ones. It would be easiest if you put them in a zip file and uploaded them that way for convenience

Dills: This should Go In The art events Thread and lets try not to kick it off until we have an Epic banner
Originally Posted by MOBI View Post
G: Probably need to upload new replays since we have new ones. It would be easiest if you put them in a zip file and uploaded them that way for convenience

Dills: This should Go In The art events Thread and lets try not to kick it off until we have an Epic banner

Ok So things we need for the thread:

* New replays from each member.

* A new extremely epic banner(Possibly clan picture)

* Song suggestions.
Rogue clown