Tryndamere is the best. :P
Lol, had a game not long ago.
The enemy team was some sort of immature trolls.
They had a Tryndamere too though, he called me a noob since I killed 2 people in 3 vs 2(I was with Nidalee).
Then me and him were on solo lane, he killed me twise by luck, then I kind of got mad...
So uh... 13/3/4... Their Heimerdinger called my team noobs and that we know nothing about this game. Yet he's last game was 0/16/2.
Their Tryndamere was 3/8/2. Epic fail.
Nightin, about the ranked games.
Actually nothing really good out there.
But of course you can go to a ranked game if you have a good 5 vs 5 premade team. And would be nice if you would talk on mic with every one of them for teamwork.
And one little thing. In ranked, your main thing is to kind of defend the bush.
Last edited by Lexx; Mar 30, 2011 at 08:02 PM.