Shiggity shwelp Ferras, make it in your favorite style (cartoon, realistic, tribal, robotic, etc...). And as far as theme, Here are some suggestions.
Knight/warrior/Samuri, fear and loathing in Las Vegas, Kill Bill themed (It would be cool).
But if those don't suit you, I have wanted a set for a while but can't did an artist capable of making it, I want a koala with part of his head melted off (like two face esq) so it exposes cyborg workings inside. Then the other textures fur with claw marks ripping through it exposing a mix of organs and pistons etc...
All in all, chose what you want
Edit: I might buy full joint textures if you think it would suit the set better.
(As of right now I'm wearing full void and have 512x512. For the koala I would get joint textures for the fur though)