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How's it hangin?
Handed in my first round of researches, analysises and presentations. So scared.
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I'd like to get involved again but I'm concerned with activity, both others' and my own. I feel like there needs to be some sort of overhaul for hype.
Hype you say. The reason we were so hyped initially was because we were trying to become official. We were striving for something and that generated ideas on how to get bigger, how to become noticed, how to get finance and so on.
We had a goal, basically. Right now, the reason some of you are losing interest is because we did it. We became official, and now we're thinking, 'now what?'.
We're flapping in the wind basically because, I guess we dont really quite know what to do.. I think we need to reevaluate what we're doing. Otherwise, we're just gonna keep tripping and getting frustrated