View Poll Results: If Jooker leaves what do we do?
Zen becomes leader and we revive FC
8 Votes / 33.33%
We declare the clan dead and we all leave
16 Votes / 66.67%
Voters: 24. You may not vote on this poll
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Hmm cerro goodbye... -.- kids... omg they are real. how bout someone hacked ur tb acc and stole all u have then he said sorry u would tell him ok ok i forgive u -.- thats stupid.
I walk a lonely road
the only one that I have ever known
Hey guys. I made some replays here. Tell me what you think. :>
Attached Files
#Anon - You Deserve This.rpl (165.3 KB, 5 views)
#Anon - Don't get to bloody.rpl (142.0 KB, 5 views)
#Anon - I Went Too Far.rpl (421.2 KB, 5 views)
#Anon - Peace (Piece).rpl (266.5 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by AnonHax; Aug 2, 2014 at 04:51 PM.
Just Monika.
Guys we should still try to add tc to the fucking clan bank to become official. But i see no one is adding. How do you want to become official if no one is donating.
I'd donate but I'm pretty poor. I can not manage my funds well. But, what is our goal?
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.