View Poll Results: We want a name change, but should we change just the tag or the name and the tag?
Just the tag
17 Votes / 17.53%
Name and tag
34 Votes / 35.05%
I like the name and tag
46 Votes / 47.42%
Voters: 97. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Hey Velordrel, nice to see you are still alive.

Oh nice Tully. We could all play together.

Do what you have to do Posiden, and good luck at those tryouts Legacy, basketball is cool.
Have a nice day, and make sure to relax. :)
Thanks souki.
And prime, moving the ball is what I'm best at.

Btw 105 people are trying out and 15 will make the squad..

So yeah lol.
when the
Eyy, MOVE'ing? No? No? I know it's grammatically incorrect but meh. You get it. Anyhow how are you guys? Been a while hasn't it?
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
Why can i never find anyone online?
Like i never seem to be able to war cuz the only person i ever see is arycal!
Im online quite often and my GMT is -7 i mean still at least more than 1 person would be on.
Buying TCs for good rates starting the 3rd of every month. Pm if interested.
Lol I've been playing CS:S and almost forgot about TB XD
Dude it's so addicting once you get back to CS:S !
Haha! Ur mad!
Originally Posted by PenumbraAF View Post
Why can i never find anyone online?
Like i never seem to be able to war cuz the only person i ever see is arycal!
Im online quite often and my GMT is -7 i mean still at least more than 1 person would be on.

We aren't warring because apparently the war system is restarting.

Prime sukyio and anyone else I'm considering making a jolt Cs group on Skype.
I'm just your friendly neighborhood invader who came to say hi and ask how everyone's doin today.
"Dolphy go kiss their asses, right now, go say sorry,
Right now" ~Yaysian, striking down the hammer.
ok im back on now. i got my wheel problem done and saved $800 so im good now. will be posting a pic of truck with new whels and tires friday or saturday of next week. :3 (through skype)
NF- "You don't like me? that makes two of us"