Can't really think of a better beginner Adc alternative though. Graves maybe?
SKT vs. OMG Summary (Spoilers)
I love Ashe too, wish her E was something different though or had a lower cooldown. That's just me though.
One thing I don't get is why Riot have her as a tutorial champion which encourages newbies to play her. As far as Ad carries go she would be one of the harder ones for beginners to grasp.
Mana drain Q on toggle. (Most likely will just get left on and drain mana or not be used at all. To use effectively other than chasing requires knowledge of kiting and orbwalking)
W is straight forward and easy enough.
E may be confusing and not super useful to beginners who don't have a good understanding of vision (also no real use of the extra gold since no one last hits at low levels).
R is a skillshot but otherwise is pretty basic.
Can't really think of a better beginner Adc alternative though. Graves maybe?
Caitlyn. Straightforward passive with an intricacy to pick up, long aa range, straightforward q, w and e are relatively straightforward with intricacies to learn, r is very straightforward.