xpecial getting 'kicked' and oddone's leave to coach position was very beneficial for the team, they've been lacking a good jungle presence for a while now and turtle hasn't been able to play at his peak because xpecial isn't as good as he was in season 2. oddone realized it, and decided to step down to coach when xpecial got kicked. they picked up gleebglarbu for support who is a 3 TIME CHALLENGER support main and Amazing for jungle who I haven't really seen play too much but is apparently also pretty good
i personally see tsm doing better from here on, but only time will tell if they'll be able to take down c9
allstars spoilers
Xpecial got kicked out because of his negative attitude. He is one of the/probably the best support in NA. His thresh's flay and leona ults along with a couple grabs have changed most games for TSM.
thats why he has at least 1 account in challenger and people are giving him shit for not playing good
this thread is so stupid every time i come back to it
The concept that soloque is so much different then 5v5 is far out of your head. Thats why not all the challangers are in lcs. Both require different kind of skills, just because you are a god in soloque does not mean you might be good. But hey I might be wrong too, after all I am only a gold player so I wouldn't know, I just wanted to say that I was worried for tsm.
dang ur gold r u in the lcs yet
clearly ur 5v5 play doesnt impact how u win solo q games