I've begun playing more Malzahar lately.
His damage output is outrageous. Truly, truly outrageous. Vlads have turned from annoyances into delicious snacks.
As long as malz zones conservatively, he's just devastating. It's starting to remind me of old fiddlesticks, which is probably why I've been playing him so much. Also he will most likely not get nerfed any time soon, because of his lack of team utility other than pure unadulterated AP damage.
So has anyone else heard about the proposed changes for ignite? Removing the damage component and adding a fucking 20% additional damage dealt to ignited target from all sources? If that shit goes live, I swear to god I will pick up swain. W -> Ignite -> E -> Q -> R, and walk all over their exploded face. Hell, adding it to Malzahar's rotation, or any burst mage for that matter, will make it ridiculous.
Good to see they're finally nerfing all the armor, to try and break the tanky meta. I'd personally like to see a spellcaster version of madreds, but madreds itself isn't really the tankbuster it's made out to be, since MR kills its effectiveness. Maybe if they gave banshee's veil (arguably the best item in the game for the gold it costs aside from merc treads) the nerf it's been needing for the last year, they'd actually bring AP carries back, aside from a select few champions.
Cassiopeia is still garbage, which is annoying, since she's easily the worst champion in the game at the moment, and Riot refuses to give her love because she has a high skill ceiling (See: Shaco).
Also Elementz proves his incredible stupidity time and time again nowadays, it seems.
I hope Blind Monk is actually released, as his ult sounds like a fucking kickass initiation spell.