i know it says recruitment closed but i always liked reaper and thought they were a good clan,i know i may be below min belt but you do have a green belt member so i figured i could atleast try for my dream clan, good and active members and isnt over loaded or has like nobody
Belt (4th dan minimum):2nd Dan
Country/GMT:northeastern U.S.
How long have you been playing TB? (1 year minimum): about half a year...but i joined playing a blue belt and when i was blue i was playing black belts so i hope that makes up for it and i play master/10 dans quite often now and am atleast an even match for them most of the time
Forum Activity (From 1-10): 7,8
In-Game Activity (From 1-10): 9
Previous Clans psych ward, twist, imp
Why did you leave/get kicked?:inactivity, bad members, too many noobs
Special Skills?: flips, punching
Any infractions/bans?:none
My first thought of this clan was scary.