I'm gonna try my hand at designing some champs and posting them in Riot's suggestions forum.
- warning. large post explaining some ideas looking for some cc -
I've always thought Viktor would try to one-up Blitz and create a new, more aggressive golem to prove his superior design. That's what I'm currently trying to flesh out. I'm using some stuff about electricity, magnetism, and gravity I heard while watching Neil DeGrasse Tyson as a basis behind his skill theming. He would be a bruiser jungler, with a mechanic called polarity that influences his basic abilities, and a gravity themed cc ult. I'm trying to figure out how to balance multiple effects on abilities without relying on a transform ult, so I'm contemplating making him have a toggle spell in his q which drains mana to enter negative polarity, with positive polarity being up by default. Or maybe like jax's w and blitz's w combined, where it has a benefit from activation for x seconds, but it can be cancelled early for one negative polarity spell, with a reduced activated effect for the remaining time. His passive would compensate for higher mana costs by increasing mana regeneration in some way (flat mana on autos is tricky to balance, and flat or percent increase mana regen from autos could be ineffectual) from auto attacks, placeholder name for it of Mechanical Efficiency (referencing some Viktor quotes).
I'm also thinking some poison-based melee assassin. We have lots of poison ranged champs, and singed going huehuehue as poison tank, but our closest to snake poison is cass, and it just doesn't match what I imagine of a poisonous snake. This would be somebody who is highly mobile, but whittles you down through persistent lashing strikes, until finally landing a coup-de-grace where the poison just eats away at you quickly enough to fulfill assassin role, but slowly enough to watch your champion die the inevitable death. Rather than be that snake in the bush, invis style, assassin, I imagine it more like a mythical snake charmer. The motions mesmerize, and it becomes like a dance between you and the snake. It strikes quickly, and retreats faster to let it's poison do it's work. It would take a fast mind and a faster hand to stop it from slowly wasting you away.
I'm interested in your opinions on what I've brainstormed so far, as I'm wondering a lot on the polarity mechanic, and whether slow death assassin isn't the right direction, as I've also been thinking anti-tank poison, like percent current health poison combined with various debuffs. I still want the kiting mechanic, but a cripple the strong type of play sounds interesting as well, as there are several assassins with a slow death feel, like zed's ult and fizz's w, but there's really only trundle for a cohesive anti-tank feel, with a few smatterings of anti-tank scattered over a couple champions.
I'll post a link to the thread if I ever get it finished. And yes, this is a long post. It's not like riot designs and explains their champions in long paragraphs because they want to, but because it's impossible to do so otherwise. If I can't flesh it out, it's likely it won't be taken seriously.