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Nice job bud.
Im so stuck in silver that I'm pretty sure S1 is a life sentence.
For some it is. I know a guy who's played 600 games of ranked this season and has failed his S1 promos god knows how many times. Funny thing is, a person we mutually know played like 200 and finally got into gold, and he's an absolute moron.
Some of it is luck, but some of it is learning to just ride on through. I have a significantly better ranked win rate than both of them playing mainly supports, while both of them always try to call top or mid, and they can't understand why they still win less. Part of it is I'm just better than them, but I just realized early on that the way silver players play best, on average, is by playing their comfort picks. So I just always fill, and it just so happens nobody likes to support, which is great because support has some of the highest impact on the game in early elos because if you can get your adc fed, almost guaranteed surrender, and being forced into the warding role means you can be sure the map isn't dark.
Mechanically, everyone is an idiot in silver, so playing the roles that cover map presence and sight give a much larger leg up than one better mechanical player at the expense of lackluster sight or pressure. Top is a trap unless you roam, and mid is heavily dictated by compotent warding and jungles. They'll throw themselves at each other like morons anyways, but top has low impact because it's an island, while mid is easy to influence with a roam or wards.