hey guys, i'm going to be streaming every night or so for a few hours per night in mid-high plat NA soloq, if you guys wanna follow and tune in every once in a while my stream is here
i dont usually talk much and i play good music
thanks friends u wont regret it
hi im new here.
But yeah fizz was once my favourite champion and I always went 12-1 or 11-2, always insanely positive because of his R-E-Q-W combo. His E is so powerful if maxed first, the only problem that I encountered with fizz is cooldown's and brand >:c
hey guys, i'm going to be streaming every night or so for a few hours per night in mid-high plat NA soloq, if you guys wanna follow and tune in every once in a while my stream is here
i dont usually talk much and i play good music
thanks friends u wont regret it