1v2 top lane usually either happens because you're playing TERRIBLE level ~1-15 players who refuse to jungle, don't know how to, or insist you need runes and masteries to do so OR you're a pro player playing a team game and there's a rotation battle going on.
Going to assume since you're just randomly asking you're pretty new to the game or are at at least a low level of play. Don't expect to do much with a 2v1. Most of the time 2v1's will shove their lane hard meaning you'll be able to safely pick up most last hits under the turret no problem. If you come out with slightly less farm than both of them; however, you don't die, you probably won't lose Turret and you need to consider it a victory.
2v1's usually exist in lower levels because there's no jungle on their team but there is on yours. Don't think of it as 2v1 Top unfair. Think of it as potentially 2v2 top but you having the level advantage, 2v1 mid, and 3v2 bot, because your jungle can go anywhere now and overwhelm the lane without their team having a good answer for it.
Best champ for 1v2s is Sivir imo:
Amazing wave clear (Q+W = Money), spellshield for any kind of cc and/or poke, and a speed boost if you're in trouble or if you need to chase anybody.
Is there any info about when will the new SR be released in the PBE? I want to give it a try :/
she'll run oom pretty quickly if she relies on her Q+W constantly for wave clear. If either of enemy champions have a decent gap closer also, that's pretty much game over for her. She'll probally just get bullied outta lane really quickly.
Jayce > Sivir