Skins Spoiler
So I've just started a team.
Name: The League of Gentlemen
Rank: Promo matches, so far 3:0. W/L
(We had a team before and were placed to Gold I after promo matches, but we didn't really have enough time to play, since it was mid-school, we've gathered the team again since it's summer).
There are currently five of us in the team.
If you're playing on EUNE and consider yourself to be good, throw me a pm.(It's preferred if you're Gold/Plat or higher).
Zed. Spammy laugh animation and energy based juke master, with easy 100-0 combo with a built in escape, great split push, and scales really well. Nobody bans him anymore either, and a good Zed will still eat squishy mids for dinner.