Originally Posted by Arglax View Post

In a game where spells scale with gold? In a game that hugely depends on teamwork? MOBA's are TEAM GAMES. That's like saying that whenever your team loses a soccer game, it's solely your fault. It's absolute bullshit. I want to see you win a game, where I and three of my friends are absolutely doing our best to fuck shit up. Was that your fault? Well, according to your logic, yes. You didn't carry.

because you can carry alone, and if you lose it's your fault you didn't carry hard enough
your adc is a complete moron, you force him to carry(peel super hard etc if you are supp/top)
you're a mid laner but your jungler is a monkey both in-game and IRL, you push your lane, spam pings and try to search for the enemy jungler together, if he can't think for himself, you're gonna have to think for him.
your support keeps stealing those CS and being a sitting duck in lane, you focus on harassing the enemy adc and getting the tower asap so you can roam mid.

obviously there's games that can't be won(multiple trolls and afkers) but if your teammates are just bad, if they're just horrible at the game, but not being afk, and not trolling hard, then it's a winnable game and if you lose it's your fault.
also build mejai/occult if you're confident of your skills, it's easy to 1v5 games with them, i do that on my smurfs and it works out.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
By that logic, if you get beat up and mugged by 5 people, it's your fault for not doing anything wrong to provoke them.
it's a totally different scenario, not sure what point you are trying to prove right now.
it's been already confirmed long ago that if you want to win soloq games you'll have to carry alone, and it's possible, in almost every game there's something you could've done better that maybe would've changed the outcome, it's about analyzing your gameplay and pointing out mistakes in order to not do them anymore, league(at least in soloq) is a game of who does more mistakes, you can have the mechanics of a duck until like platinum elo if you do few mistakes and punish the enemies for their misplays(missposition, bad dragon/baron calls etc.)
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
To be super honest; getting out of bronze wasn't even difficult at all for me.
Not to say I'm very skilled; I'm only silver 1.

But if you're truly better than that; both teams have non cooperative idiots. The one person that makes the better decisions and makes the better plays for the team are really the ones that secure victory for their side.

So advise your team with pings, don't rage at them and if they make a mistake don't bother talking about it. You'll annoy them.

Play a role with more control/carry potential like jungle or mid.
Though to be fair in bronze any role is sufficient to work alone and still win. If your team are going to fight even when you don't want to, go with them. If you've played correctly in the first place unlike a bronzie you should be able to turn the fight in your favor by getting a key target focused or pinging the one your team should go for.

Well' gl.
Last edited by souldevilj; Jun 24, 2014 at 02:02 PM.
It's also important to note that when your team is uncooperative, the enemy team has the exact same odds of being uncooperative. Over time, the occurances where you get a troll/leaver/afk/lag will be even to the times your opponents get a troll/leaver/etc.

The system doesn't discriminate, and people aren't specifically trolling only you unless you give them the reasons to. And games with trolls and afks are not unwinnable if you know how to talk, and you can back up the talk with good play. You can't change how your teammates or your opponents play, but time should even out the effects of luck, and if you're a truly good, non-toxic player, the odds are actually stacked IN your favor to win more often, solely because, assuming you are good and nice, your team has 4 slots for bad players while your opposing team has 5.

So if luck evens out, even slightly in your favor, the only feature that you can use to influence your game is your own attitude and play. I win 2 games on averave for every loss, and a lot of it is because I do everything I can to win, even if I mainly play support. I've carried lanes so that my adc gets big through my work. I've warded lanes that don't ward often enough so they die less from ganks. And I've stopped toxic players from dragging my team down 3 out of 3 times they happened. I've stopped a trist from trolling as adc, stopped an ap corki from afking, and stopped my entire team's infighting to push our advantages to win. Even with toxic players, the right approach can win you a game. Every game is winnable until your nexus is destroyed. Or in the immortal words of scarra: "(you're) winning the games until (you) lose it."

So suck it up. Team cooperation is a factor of luck that evens out over time and a neutral disposition. Luck always evens out with an average player, only what YOU do influences what happens to YOU in the long run.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
It's also important to note that when your team is uncooperative, the enemy team has the exact same odds of being uncooperative. Over time, the occurances where you get a troll/leaver/afk/lag will be even to the times your opponents get a troll/leaver/etc.

I understand this. I'm not talking about a series of 100 games, I'm talking about a single game where, yes, you end up in a shit team. This isn't a discussion about elo or ranking, but I'm trying to refute that every game you lose is solely your fault.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
The system doesn't discriminate, and people aren't specifically trolling only you unless you give them the reasons to.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
And games with trolls and afks are not unwinnable if you know how to talk, and you can back up the talk with good play. You can't change how your teammates or your opponents play, but time should even out the effects of luck, and if you're a truly good, non-toxic player, the odds are actually stacked IN your favor to win more often, solely because, assuming you are good and nice, your team has 4 slots for bad players while your opposing team has 5.

So if luck evens out, even slightly in your favor, the only feature that you can use to influence your game is your own attitude and play. I win 2 games on averave for every loss, and a lot of it is because I do everything I can to win, even if I mainly play support. I've carried lanes so that my adc gets big through my work. I've warded lanes that don't ward often enough so they die less from ganks. And I've stopped toxic players from dragging my team down 3 out of 3 times they happened. I've stopped a trist from trolling as adc, stopped an ap corki from afking, and stopped my entire team's infighting to push our advantages to win. Even with toxic players, the right approach can win you a game. Every game is winnable until your nexus is destroyed. Or in the immortal words of scarra: "(you're) winning the games until (you) lose it."

So suck it up. Team cooperation is a factor of luck that evens out over time and a neutral disposition. Luck always evens out with an average player, only what YOU do influences what happens to YOU in the long run.

Read the above, I understand that in the LONG RUN it evens out, and if you're better, you'll end up on top, but this is about single games.

You all seem to forget that in league of legends spell power literally scales with the amount of kills/assists (gold, actually), you get. This isn't a dota/lol argument, but in dota, spell damage or power doesn't scale with items: only with the level of the ability. Your damage output from spells is not influenced by your items. This makes it so that if you can drag a game for long enough, you will in the end get on an even level with someone who was previously much stronger: there is a 'roof' on spell damage. This is much more difficult to achieve if spell power keeps scaling and scaling. The max spell power is really difficult to attain in lol, while it happens in almost every game in dota, and in the end, skill will have the edge. I'd say that items play a more important role in League than in Dota, but that's an opinion.

The spell scaling makes it so that your enemies just grow stronger and stronger at a higher rate than you if your team feeds or doesn't prevent them from farming well. Considering the size of the map, there is a limit to how much you can do to help your own team without losing your own lane/getting behind on farm.

Even if spell damage didn't scale, I would argue that your team remains a decisive factor in winning or losing. Again: this isn't about elo, becaus I understand that IF you are indeed better than your current rank, you will, after a few games, attain a higher rank considering you will give your teammates (which are statistically 'worse' than you), the edge over the other team.
f=m*a syens
Toon is complaining about his elo, which IS a measure of long term progress. He is not winning enough games overall to raise his elo, and his team has nothing to do with it in the long run. This was never a talk about how bad players or trolls make single games harder to win, but how Toon has routinely blamed his teams for his own poor elo, and has never stopped to imagine that maybe he deserves his rank.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
People like you are why I stopped playing SR, This game is based on cooperation. The better the cooperation the better your games are. in a 1v5(actually fighting 1v5 now) Is impossible! You [censored] are just [censored] who think you know better and only have criticism when I post but always good things when everyone else [censored] posts you [censored].

Wanna be useful don't judge a person when you have never seen them play. I am always facing bronze elo smurfs who fail on purpose and duo queue alot to ensure they face bronze newbies.. You [censored] obv never been in bronze and do not understand this issue.

EJM Moderated Message:
Keep it clean. We're not insulting you in anyway, no need to be so defensive. I censored out some stuff.
Last edited by EJM; Jun 24, 2014 at 09:16 PM.

At least I can admit and live with the fact that I'm not a very good player.

I also admit that some games can be carried, I might go as far as say that most can, but 'all games can be carried' is just one step too far.

Hey toon
you should try dota 2
u gon' have lot of fun i promis
Last edited by Arglax; Jun 24, 2014 at 09:11 PM.
f=m*a syens
You guys are taking everything completely literally.

The only thing you need to grasp from this conversation is that when a game ends and your team didn't do well, don't go all "this team was terrible" on yourselves/everyone else. That will not change or help in any way. Instead, even if you did amazingly, check what you could've done that would've made the game harder for the enemy team. It's really that simple.

You can't carry all games, but you can change all games, for the better and for the worst. Look for how you can do that, not for what your team should've done.

And Toon, it would be great if you stopped thinking that we're only targeting you with the criticism. All that's been done so far was a discussion, don't turn it into something I'll have to delete out of the thread. We're simply disagreeing, which is all that happens in controversy.

Oh and yeah, almost all of us have been in bronze, myself included, and I can safely say that everyone I've seen who climbed out of bronze, also including myself, followed what we were telling you.
Last edited by EJM; Jun 24, 2014 at 09:17 PM.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.