View Poll Results: agree
9 Votes / 64.29%
2 Votes / 14.29%
i'd rather leave
3 Votes / 21.43%
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Hey mate sorry for the late reply,job takes alot of my time..
Nice to know that everybody will be in the pic
I'm sending you 2000 tc cause i feel that an artist like you deserve some kind of recognition ,don' t worry, i don't feel obligated to do it ;)
You can put me in any place you choose, i'm fine with any

Peace bro
If at all possible, I prefer to forge my own path through life, then call it 'destiny' once the cards have settled...
Inactivity and other problems...
Hi, guys. Well... I'm gonna be inactive for few weeks/months. I have some financial problems and at the work (before new year my firm has send all of us to prolonged ''vacation'' due to bad business (recession) till 18.01.2010. Right now i don't even know will i get back to work (I heard some stories from my college from work), so I'm cutting all my expenses (internet).
I will try to finish things that I started (clan pic) but don't get mad if I don't make it. So, I guess, this is bye for the long period of time.
GL to ya all.
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
- posted by Yourface.

Yes u did ask to be in pic, but right after that i answered that I don't take items, so i forgot about your post. (I'm turning into capitalist swine...) I find it real hard to sell items on the market unless lowering the price far beyond the original worth... SO TC only.

And how come u are poor sexy, u don't even have 1 K? (for the player of your caliber u can have that money in 2 days!) I stated that everyone will be visible in the pic, not every member need to be in the front. The image will be more natural with the all spaces filled. That's why the price range from 1 - 8 K so everyone can be in it. But this has turned into snob fest - now members believe if they are not in front they are not important which is not what I wanted (but money corrupts everything).

I will add members in order of their application for the pic, they will be represented as ghosts - white colored image (then - u see the image, u tell me if u want any corrections, u agree that is what u wanted, I finish your pose, coloring etc...) THEN u pay! For this check the first page often.

Xtreme, like captains said. Sorry. Their word is my command.

actually I may buy some money but I have to be near the front!
Stiil pretty Sexy, No longer Wittsy.