Your name*: hazelbud Age (must be over 13. No lying, we will find out)*: 34 [lol] Belt (2nd Dan Black Belt +) *: 9th Dan Rank: 61 Posts (must be over 350)*: 475 How many hours a day you play: 0 the last year 1-3 from now on Past Clans: OMEGA The longest time you spent in a clan (not nessacery, but it will help your chances of getting into the clan): Hmm, I have to check but about a year i think ... . Best Mod*: Aikido Ban/infraction history*: none Anything you can contribute to the clan (art, textures, fighting, items, tc, etc. If textures, please post examples)*: ART, real polite and social representing ingame and at the forums Active ingame/forums/IRC*: %:70/20/10(?) Why do you want do Join?*: I love Omega Replays you have made (not nessacery): going to make some new ones User Card:
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
Your name*:andre(darkgaia Age (must be over 13. No lying, we will find out)*:15 Belt (2nd Dan Black Belt +) *: 2nd dan Rank:517 Posts (must be over 350)*:sh f***(forum hack ) How many hours a day you play:4 Past Clans: demon,god,aeon,oblivn The longest time you spent in a clan (not nessacery, but it will help your chances of getting into the clan):1 year Best Mod*:wushu Ban/infraction history*:no Anything you can contribute to the clan (art, textures, fighting, items, tc, etc. If textures, please post examples)*:fighting Active ingame/forums/IRC*retty much Why do you want do Join?*:i like ure members Replays you have made (not nessacery):nty User Card: