hi mack much thank <3
Originally Posted by
Can you draw me some nostalgia with a touch of existential dread, Shook?
Also, hi.
Ohi Tap, been a while! ... Maybe? I'm not sure what you're angling for. :v
Originally Posted by
Thank you thank you, It's good to be back in the dark
also OOoo colour
i like me sum vivid colours m8
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I didn’t completely forgot but I’ll make sure to check them up, are they hard to run? My pc really isn’t that good
Shovel Knight can run on a tomato and Brutal Doom on maybe a toaster, Thumper requires a low-mid range computer and Nioh is up there with Dark Souls. My bet's on the first two for sub-par computers. :v
also hi again sorry i went silent for a bit i was feeling shit for some days
here have a few doodles
i like faces