[Hybrid] Forum and In-Game Rules
Please remember..
**These were taking from the global rules.
Do not farm
(earning toricredits and qi illegally.)
Do not spam
(useless posts. Which means don't make one word posts, and don't post something that is completly random and doesn't contribute to the topic.)
Do not flame
(overuse of swearing.)
Do not use racism
(or any other type of discrimination.)
Do not scam
(making a deal and not respecting it after you get what you want.)
Do not post Pr0n
(Majority of users are under 18.)
Do not multipost
(posting several times without waiting for reply.)
Do not beg
(repeatedly asking for items/tc.)
No capsing
..other rules will be added soon..
Last edited by Fee; May 5, 2009 at 02:42 PM.