Original Post
Hampa had one too many...
Oh no,

Hampa has had a few too many, and now you have to get him home safely, otherwise we are all boned.

Goal: Give some sort of proof that Hampa made it home safely. If he doesn't, there goes our fun!

Rules: How will Hampa make it home? Well, this is where you come in your task is to build a story around this short clip

How did Hampa get there? What are he and veb saying? And how will he get home to his family?
That is all up to you. Your options for entering are open, you can make a video, make a series of replays, or draw pictures. Text stories will not be accepted. If you want to enter with a medium not expressed here, ask first to avoid confusion. The main rule to follow is that you work off of this clip. Its like those kids book where you write your own ending, only know you have to write an ending AND a beginning and hopefully add some dialogue to the middle.

The goal is to build a good story. You can have the best effects on the planet, but if your story sucks, you wont win. So even if all you can do is MS paint, enter. You have just as good a chance as winning as anyone else.

1st prize: 73,438 TCs Full Ivory. Full Tyrian. One Acid head Flame AND a full Bronze pack.
2nd prize:5k in Murray and Dirtnap's shop.
3rd prize:5k in Murray and Dirtnap's shop.

Deadline: This is a complicated contest, so the deadline will be extended, but it is schedualed to end on January 16th, 2010.

Within the next day I will have an HQ download of the clip available. Using it will not be required to win and will not nescicarily increase your chances for winnig. All that matters is that Hampa gets home safely and that you show us how it happened.

A final word. This contest is confusing, if you have ANY questions, post them in this thread, I will answer them ASAP and do my best to work around language issues.

second and third place prizes are subject to change, and all donations are welcome

And just so you know, I will be entering this comp, but just because it will be fun, If I win, that would suck.

Remember, If you have any questions, ask.

Judging: Judging will be done first by myself, Zeromano, and vorDo, who were the first two people to PM me after reading the white text that used to be in this post. Us three will select the best portion of entries, and from there the community will vote on which one deserves to win. All judges are still eligible to win.

HQ download...well, its not exactly HQ, but whatever.
Last edited by deady; Dec 23, 2009 at 05:11 AM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I'm still working.

I've trashed about 3-5 videos I attempted so far.

I will push myself to finish an acceptable video in the time limit!
i think that this will stretch until christmas....again
good luck.

i personnally thikn havoks vid beats sangetsus but yeh. just my opinion
Originally Posted by Teknik View Post
i think that this will stretch until christmas....again
good luck.

i personnally thikn havoks vid beats sangetsus but yeh. just my opinion

Your opinion counts for me atleast. Can you tell me why, what do i need to do better?
"I've seen enough rule number 34 to burn down a large catholic school" - Bish
May I suggest Teknik is an alt of Havok's? =P

Also... I don't think I can participate. I've gone halfway, but I'm too busy with other videos I'm making for other people... Especially Agonized's, which includes syncing fluid slow toribash replays with fast hardcore metal rock >.<

I'm very sorry that I caused you to extend the date for nothing... But I will no longer be an issue in this.
Originally Posted by alert242 View Post

I'm very sorry that I caused you to extend the date for nothing... But I will no longer be an issue in this.

O.k. No worries.

So, is there anyone else still waiting to enter?
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
alt of havoks? what does that mean?

And sangetsu. Your video is, how do i put it....Smooth. Very smooth. But i like more fighting.
Originally Posted by Teknik View Post
alt of havoks? what does that mean?

And sangetsu. Your video is, how do i put it....Smooth. Very smooth. But i like more fighting.

Thanks for the tip, you know, it's tips and comments like that, that makes me want to make movies


Deady, lets strech it some more, maybe someone will pop up. pm rutz, warcry etc
Last edited by Sangetsu; Feb 15, 2010 at 12:40 AM.
"I've seen enough rule number 34 to burn down a large catholic school" - Bish
Nah, they arent entering :P I already bugged them when the comp was created. But, ok, another week. Than this shit is DONE.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.