Originally Posted by Matheus View Post
Nothing special, I'm in dad's house. Good see your activity in our IRC. And you? What's up?

Thats cool
Trying to gain some sort of friendship or something by ilding on yer irc channel. Knowing people never hurts eh?
Not much up with me.
Just the usual texturing and trying to find something actual to do.
It's All About Expansion
Knowing people never hurts. It's good I make it clear, I've nothing against coffee, I'm not stealing members, just because they were coffee. The point is, I've some good brazilians friends, and coincidentally they're Coffee. I'm just saying that, because void has insulted me, and considering he's your co-ldr, I don't think that admirable, I hope that he doesn't make that again, otherwise I'll provide him the ban.
Originally Posted by Bloob View Post
Leo did ale make your avvy and sig? they are sex

No, E4C
Make mine and ale... :P
Thanks ^^