Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by dsafgh View Post
Good luck


you seem to be invading our clan without the invade tag, and also,
nobody here knows you. Well, see, the problem here is that, you are not
an ally, in other words, you have no right to post here unless you are already a member/ally.

Did I make myself clear?
Do not post in this thread anymore.
could be a post for good luck for becoming official or whatever and im gonna wait for somwhone to kill me for posting lol

EDIT: art dont be a grump aswell just be good guy and put me out the red van aint done anything wrong here

also see i still care about you guys either way if you hate me or not so no matter how much you hate i will always be watching if it matters for anything
Last edited by Trixiac; May 26, 2012 at 04:37 AM. Reason: editing for editing purposes
OHHH YOU HAVE. Damn right you have >_>
Now you'll be tortured there for the next millennium. Or two... Anyways, you are going to be tortured there in horrible ways you could never imagine. And it's gonna be worse than tentacles. 40.... years... old... pedo......

Pwn, by recruiting I meant that every each of our members should try to get some potential applicants to post in our recruitment thread.

and undies, neither did I understand that "good luck"... but thanks... I suppose...
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
think what you want being harsh to me will not solve anything YOU pushed me away why exactly im not even sure myself but i started to think to myself "why did i even join" then i rememberd undies being in the clan so i wanted to but people in gravity actualy hold respect for me without any arguments or insults needed to be tossed around.
i was a part of gravity first i only left them because they seemed realy inactive but then i realised its because they had exams and things and i got a chance to join back so i took it sorry for being a opportunist atleast there actualy nice to me at all and i can actualy get along and have a decent game with in one of the actual modes art was just the tipping point