Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
I will end my argument with the term "Music Theory" A theory. Not written in stone, but a theory.

Actually a theory isn't necessarily what you think it is.

"Theory is a group of ideas meant to explain a certain topic, such as a single or collection of fact, event, or phenomen. Typically, a theory is developed through the use of contemplative and rational forms of abstract and generalized thinking."
Source: Wikipedia

Just in case you think that wikipedia is random people bullshit here's the Google definition

"a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained."
Source: Google

Webster got anything to say?
"an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events"
Source: Webster Dictionary

So before you say that it's just an idea, let me go head ahead and say that it's an idea by so many people that it pretty much is set in stone.
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
Originally Posted by ysome View Post
Actually a theory isn't necessarily what you think it is.

"Theory is a group of ideas meant to explain a certain topic, such as a single or collection of fact, event, or phenomen. Typically, a theory is developed through the use of contemplative and rational forms of abstract and generalized thinking."
Source: Wikipedia

Just in case you think that wikipedia is random people bullshit here's the Google definition

"a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles"
Source: Google

Webster got anything to say?
"an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events"
Source: Webster Dictionary

A theory is not a fact, or something that is set in stone. And to believe that a theory is a fact or set in stone, is just plain ignorant. As your definitions stated, it is a idea or ideas intended to explain. Why should this so called theory explain what music is. No matter how many people you ask, you will never hear the same definition of music. Music can not be defined nor can it have a set of guidelines that dictates it. I understand that some music is garbage, and it does not appeal to your senses, but there are people out that that enjoy various forms of music. What you think is music and what someone else thinks are 2 completely different things.
A hasbeen like the rest
Originally Posted by ysome View Post
So before you say that it's just an idea, let me go head ahead and say that it's an idea by so many people that it pretty much is set in stone.

Didn't know if you noticed that last part.
The Big Bang theory. Almost everyone believes it.
The universal law of gravitation is a theory now go ahead and tell me that's incorrect.
Newton's law of motion is a theory

Some theories can be pretty much set in stone.
Of course someone can come along and say it's incorrect and give evidence why, although that's highly unlikely.

There are some ludicrous theories, like conspiracy theories, although the difference is how many people believe in them. Pretty much every musician ever uses the music theory.
I also disagree that everyone you ask will give you a different definition of music due to the fact that schools do teach the music theory, therefore people who took music classes may give you the same definition. Give or take a couple words.
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
I make no claims about which genres conform or do not conform to music theory. This is only a response to one particular argument.

Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
A theory is not a fact, or something that is set in stone. And to believe that a theory is a fact or set in stone, is just plain ignorant. As your definitions stated, it is a idea or ideas intended to explain. Why should this so called theory explain what music is.

If there does not exist an alternate theory which is equally valid, then that theory is the closest understanding we have of the truth, so it does not make sense to disregard it.

Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
No matter how many people you ask, you will never hear the same definition of music. Music can not be defined nor can it have a set of guidelines that dictates it.

This argument does not work, has not worked, and will never work. If music cannot be defined objectively, then it is a meaningless label. If each individual's conception of "music" is different enough that their exact definitions do not agree, then it is meaningless to speak of "music", as the word "music" never refers to the same object when used by different people. "Music" would simply be a word with no objective meaning attached to it.

Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
What you think is music and what someone else thinks are 2 completely different things.

Shared similarities between different individual conceptions of music can be incorporated into a theory of music. If you deny that this is possible, then you are denying the objective existence of the concept of music.
Here are the definitions you get when you look for music:

vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.

the written or printed signs representing vocal or instrumental sound

Are these definitions correct? I believe that music can not be defined because it is a form of expression. People perceive music differently, much like art.

This whole argument started over whether new music such as rap and dubstep are considered music. If you go off of the first definition, or even the music theory for that matter, then rap and dubstep are considered music.
A hasbeen like the rest
Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
I believe that music can not be defined because it is a form of expression.

This is the problem. If music can't be defined, then I cannot parse your statements when you make mention of "music", because it is a term which does not refer to a well-defined concept. In essence, it does not actually exist.

On the other hand, it makes perfect sense to refer to music if in fact the concept can be defined by shared characteristics which can be objectively measured. This forms the basis of music theory.

The debate relating to what is and what is not "art" is trivial, and I will not further that discussion.

Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
This whole argument started over whether new music such as rap and dubstep are considered music. If you go off of the first definition, or even the music theory for that matter, then rap and dubstep are considered music.

Again, I make no claims as to whether or not they are actually music.
Last edited by Wight; Jun 10, 2014 at 05:37 AM.
Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
Here are the definitions you get when you look for music:

vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.

the written or printed signs representing vocal or instrumental sound

Are these definitions correct? I believe that music can not be defined because it is a form of expression. People perceive music differently, much like art.

This whole argument started over whether new music such as rap and dubstep are considered music. If you go off of the first definition, or even the music theory for that matter, then rap and dubstep are considered music.

Wrong about the music theory part. Rap at its base has only 2 elements that music is composed of. I have said this multiple times already. Dubstep I may not like, but I admit, it does agree at most points with music theory.
Originally Posted by Templar View Post
Wrong about the music theory part. Rap at its base has only 2 elements that music is composed of. I have said this multiple times already. Dubstep I may not like, but I admit, it does agree at most points with music theory.

The Music Theory states that music is composed of pitch, beat or pulse, rhythm, melody, harmony, texture, allocation of voices, timbre or color, expressive qualities (dynamics and articulation), and form or structure.

Alone based on that, rap does fit the criteria for music. There is pitch, beat or pulse, rhythm, etc...
It really does depend on the artist, but it seems that you are generalizing all rap artist. Some rappers add more to their songs than others. If you are going off of the mainstream hip-hop/rap that you hear on the radio, most, but not all of the songs contain these fundamentals.

Off the record, what is your definition of music Wight.
Last edited by dannyrug; Jun 10, 2014 at 11:32 PM.
A hasbeen like the rest
Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
The Music Theory states that music is composed of pitch, beat or pulse, rhythm, melody, harmony, texture, allocation of voices, timbre or color, expressive qualities (dynamics and articulation), and form or structure.

Alone based on that, rap does fit the criteria for music. There is pitch, beat or pulse, rhythm, etc...
It really does depend on the artist, but it seems that you are generalizing all rap artist. Some rappers add more to their songs than others. If you are going off of the mainstream hip-hop/rap that you hear on the radio, most, but not all of the songs contain these fundamentals.

I am agreeing with this post.
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
what is your definition of music Wight.

A series of auditory elements deliberately arranged, which does not solely comprise abstract, communicative elements, and whose primary purpose (whether by design or by interpretation) is not the conveyance of semantic information through those communicative elements.

By this definition:
-Poetry is not music (its primary purpose is to convey semantic information through communicative elements).
-The sounds of a cityscape is not music (those sounds are not deliberately arranged).
-A birdsong is not music when it is shared between two birds with a mutual understanding of the meaning of that sound, yet it can be considered music if a human happens to be able to appreciate those sounds (that is, appreciate those sounds in a manner which does not require and understanding of the semantic meaning that the sounds are supposed to convey).

I am not denying that lyrics are important, but lyrics must be included with musical elements that are described with music theory (of which I am not familiar) to be considered music. You may notice, for example, that while people can gain semantic information by listening to rap, they will also want to listen to rap songs with "a good beat". This, by my definition, is indicative of the rap genre being music. Yet, since I do not understand music theory in its entirety, it is possible that I can be proven wrong with regard to this idea.