Originally Posted by gluuuuuuee View Post
You misspelled chicken dude.

Also channels, dude.

Man you ain't good with grammars.

Not like I am, dude. Not like I am.

There. Fixed.
goons know how to party

when toribash was first made goons helped it become popular and now we're back hello

goonie goons
Let me be a little clearer with you for a moment, just a brief moment. Do you really think it's in your best interests to get butt-hurt over fun? The answer is no, you should have fun too. You were all so boring before we came along, all so very serious. It's just not how games should be, not how anything originally fun should be. You guys ruined Toribash, we're just making it fun again. What's stopping you from making it fun as well?

nothin man thats what

hugs man u need hugs
Originally Posted by gluuuuuuee View Post
Man, you're way too serious, you should chill/relax and have some fun.

Grammar monster strikes again.
Well toribash was more fun without you guys ( for me atleast ) . Your not making it fun , your making it fuckt .
Originally Posted by gluuuuuuee View Post
Let me be a little clearer with you for a moment, just a brief moment. Do you really think it's in your best interests to get butt-hurt over fun? The answer is no, you should have fun too. You were all so boring before we came along, all so very serious. It's just not how games should be, not how anything originally fun should be. You guys ruined Toribash, we're just making it fun again. What's stopping you from making it fun as well?

This community is not used to your kind of fun. Random humor goes in wibbles. Outside of it, we're serious. We're still having fun but we know how to have fun without making random topics about films by Martin Scorcese.

This is not SomethingAwful.

Not Newgrounds.

Not 4chan.

This is Toribash.
TO AR-wait........thiz war iz goin 2 b big *grabs a machine gun and heads to bunker* go get banned *covers bunker in ban proof paint*