Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by TehBasher View Post
.50 cal sniper ACOG, because I'm pro like that.

Really? But whyyyyy? Put the ACOG on a better weapon like the ACR or something. For a sniper, don't you want more range?
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Most overrated game in history.

Same as MW1 but with more saturation and worse gameplay.

They could have atleast tried to balance it or improve it.

Your like i was a while back, yes i admit the game has very little skill involved but its seriously addcitive. What im guessing is you dont have it or havent played it seriously. Just try it first, then bad mouth it.
Originally Posted by Alextaker View Post
have anyone had a tactical nuke in a game

I've had 3, but I don't play to get them, I don't care about my deaths at all :S


Scar-H extended mags + scavenger pro.

A weapon with ammo

works wonders

I wouldn't say scar-h is better than any gun, it's just as good as m4. So your quote could be changed to X + scavenger pro :V

:c Pretty much any weapon is good, just a thing of personal likes. And sometimes tactical use, tar21 is like stronger smg etc.


I decided to play one round of hc tdm before going off. So it was going okay etc. Then I noticed some guy in my team was camping all the fucking time. I hate campers. He got score of 15/0 and prolly was going for nuke. I knifed him. Shit was SO cash.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
I play alot for my kill/death ratio. Got a pal whos fuckin raping at it so im tryna catch up, only 1.23 the now =\
I've kind of 1.25 and I don't care. All I want is to have fun, have high frags (because that's part of having fun) and not to have negative k/d ratio in a round, because that looks noobish. But I hardly ever get such, more often it's like, 1.0. But usually I'm mvp or close to being one ;P

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
I died alot at the start, so im now picking my self up, when im in a freeforall i usually get my ac130 and the games in the bag.