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have anyone had a tactical nuke in a game
I've had 3, but I don't play to get them, I don't care about my deaths at all :S
Scar-H extended mags + scavenger pro.
A weapon with ammo
works wonders
I wouldn't say scar-h is better than any gun, it's just as good as m4. So your quote could be changed to X + scavenger pro :V
:c Pretty much any weapon is good, just a thing of personal likes. And sometimes tactical use, tar21 is like stronger smg etc.
I decided to play one round of hc tdm before going off. So it was going okay etc. Then I noticed some guy in my team was camping all the fucking time. I hate campers. He got score of 15/0 and prolly was going for nuke. I knifed him. Shit was SO cash.